21 products

Collection: Outdoor running

When the cold bites and darkness creeps in, it's time to take your running training to the next level! Our collection for outdoor running in cold weather is designed for those who refuse to let the season dictate their training. With functional clothing that keeps you warm without compromising mobility, you can focus on the most important thing – your running experience.

We have everything from windproof jackets and breathable layering solutions to insulated gloves and reflective accessories, ensuring comfort and visibility even on the darkest and coldest winter days. Whether you're an experienced runner or just starting out, this collection will help you keep motivated and stay in shape throughout the winter.

Udendørs løb - Når kulden bider, og mørket sniger sig ind, er det tid til at tage din løbetræning til det næste niveau! Vores kollektion til udendørs løb i den kolde tid er designet til dig, der nægter at lade sæsonen bestemme din træning.